dinsdag 31 maart 2015

Take note of Letternote

A writer friend told me once that if you ever needed inspiration or felt blocked, for instance, when you experienced writer’s block, you should go to India. The colors, the sights, sounds and fragrances would make you feel alive and things would be moving again. I would love to go to India but I have to be an armchair traveller for the moment. However, I thought to look up some inspirational things from India and my eye fell on Letternote.

Letternote is a Delhi-based organization that manufactures quite a few things; scarves, mugs and cups, phone cases and what’s most important for me…stationery! Their website is pure eye-candy. The creators of Letternote guide their work by a Manifesto which is a celebration of Life. Such an attitude already brings joy and happiness to the products.  A few lines from their Manifesto are: “Follow your dreams. Be curious. Learn new things. Do what you love. Be yourself. Live joyfully.”

The founders of Letternote are Anisha Singh and Gurpreet Singh. Anisha is a design and art lover at heart. She had a passion for creating something visually exciting and unique and she succeeded in that with the creation of Letternote. Gurpreet is a first generation entrepreneur and an architect by education. The two of them joined together and something beautiful was born with Letternote.

The inspiring words of my writer friend about India very much applies to the products of Letternote but especially to the stationery. The colors and designs of the notebooks are highly inspiring and creative and they want to make you unblock whatever block you have and be creative, diligent and artistic. I love the way some of the designs provide a glimpse of images of Delhi such as the Delhi Color. I was looking at the designs on their website and I actually loved each and every one of their designs. My personal favorites in notebooks are always colored covers of notebooks and Letternote has plenty of them. I had to have the notebooks with the design of Africa Woman, the Rajput Queen, the Delhi Color, Ambassador Spiral notebook and a nice thin one with a funny quote on it. I absolutely adore each and every one of my notebooks from Letternote. The back cover of the notebooks also has nice designs, from the inside and out the notebooks are a lot of fun. They feel more like a gem than a notebook. 

Africa Woman, the Rajput Queen, the Delhi Color

The paper of the notebooks is from a very high quality. The surface is soft, smooth and creamy white which I have found makes it perfect for fountain pens without the risk of feathering, and for ordinary pens and pencils. Also, the paper is quite thick so there is no risk in see through of any writing that you do. Because the quality of the notebooks is so high, I already decided to use the Africa Woman and the Rajput Queen as travel journals, maybe for my travel to India one day. They are strong enough for it. In addition, they come in both a blank version and a lined version. The blank version is perfect for drawing and for artistic purposes. Sometimes I like a blank version more for travelling for the small drawings and artsy things that I do in my journal inspired by the environment. The spiral notebook and the one with the quote make for great note taking. You can easily hold them open and write down the things you want to remember. 

There is much to say about how material things can inspire you and Letternote’s notebooks are absolutely inspiring. They are a burst of colors that will bring somewhat of a rainbow into your house. Actually, their notebooks can be used for a myriad of purposes and I think that if I had still been a university student, I would have even used them for my notetaking in class. It would have been a great motivation. I hope you take note of Letternote as well and enjoy it as much as I do. You can find more information about Letternote and their products on www.letternote.com.

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